Academic Affairs and Publication

The Academic Affairs and Publication Branch comes with the overall supervision of the Registrar. It is responsible to handle all matters related to the academic matters in the University and Publications of the academic establishment, collection of data and compilation of University statistics, convening meetings and handling Research Activities.

Strategic Plan & Action PlanAnnual ReportEmployability Survey

The Strategic Plan is a rolling plan effective for a period of five years.

Features of the Strategic Plan

  • The Vision and Mission statements and Objectives
  • The Corporate Structure
  • Strengths and weaknesses in the organization and the external threats and opportunities (SWOT)
  • Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Activities, with performance indicators and performance targets
  • The Financial Plan

The Action Plan is based on the Corporate Plan (Strategic Plan) which has the Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and Activities, together with the parties responsible for each activity, the estimated budget, and the quarter of the current year during which each activity will be implemented. The Progress Report provides the progress of the past year according to the last Strategic Plan’s activities.

The Annual Report provides a snapshot view of the performance of the enterprise in the past year. It is absolutely essential that it should be prepared in a timely manner, with all relevant disclosures that would enable the public to form a judgment on the performance and future prospects of the enterprise.

The preparation and submission of the Annual Report to the Parliament is a statutory requirement.

Annual Report 2022 –  සිංහල | தமிழ் | English

Annual Report 2021 –  සිංහල | தமிழ் | English

Annual Report 2020 –  සිංහල | தமிழ் | English

Annual Report 2018 –  සිංහල | தமிழ் | English

Annual Report 2017 –  සිංහල | தமிழ் | English

Financial Statement 2017 – සිංහල | தமிழ் | English

Annual Report 2015 – Combined 

Annual Report 2014 – Combined

Annual Report 2013 – Combined

Annual Report 2012 – Combined

Annual Report 2011 – Combined


Meetings and Committees

Senate Meeting

The University Senate, Which is the academic authority, is constituted in terms of Section 46 (2) of the Universities Act.No.16 of 1978, as amended by the Universities (Amendment) Act No 7 of 1985.

  • The Senate of the University shall consist of the following persons:
    • the Vice-Chancellor;
    • the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, if any;
    • the Rector of each Campus, if any;
    • the Director of each Institute or Centre for Higher Learning, if any, affiliated to the University;
    • the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, if any;
    • the Dean of each Faculty;
    • the Head of each Department of Study;
    • every permanent Professor of the University;
    • the Librarian; and
    • two teachers, other than those referred to above elected by the permanent teachers of each Faculty, from among their number.
  • Each elected member shall hold office for a period of three years reckoned from the date of his election;
  • provided however, where an elected member retires or resigns, or otherwise vacates office by reason of absenting himself from three consecutive meetings of the Senate, another member shall be elected in his place in accordance with the provisions of (j) above and such other member shall, unless he vacates office earlier, hold office for the unexpired portion of the term of office of his predecessor.
  • The quorum for a meeting of the Senate shall be one-fourth of its total membership.
  • The Senate shall have control and general direction of instruction, education, research and examinations in the University.
  • Subject to the provisions of the Act as stated in Section 46 (6) of the Act the Senate shall exercise, perform and discharge the following powers, duties and functions:
    • to draft, after consideration of reports from the Faculty Board/s Regulations relating to courses of study and examinations and to submit such drafts to the Council for approval;
    • to recommend to the Council, after consideration of reports from the Faculty Board/s the names of persons suitable for appointment as examiners;
    • to recommend to the Council the institution, abolition or suspension of Professorships, Associate Professorships, Senior Lectureships, Lectureships, and other academic posts in the University;
    • to recommend to the Council after consideration of reports from the Faculty Board/s:
      • schemes for the re-organization of existing Faculties and Departments of Study and the organization of new Faculties and Departments of Study; and
      • the assignment of subjects of study to the respective Faculties;
    • to recommend to the Council the mode and conditions of competition for fellowships, scholarships, exhibitions, bursaries, medals and other prizes;
    • to award fellowships, scholarships, exhibitions, bursaries, medals and other prizes on such conditions as may be approved by the Council;
    • to appoint such number of Standing Committees, or Ad-hoc Committees or Boards of the Senate as it may deem fit and in particular:
      • a Library Committee;
      • an Admissions Committee;
      • a Research Committee;
      • a Curriculum and Evaluation Committee; and
      • a Probationary Study Leave Committee; and
    • To specify their terms of reference; to consider their reports and to either approve such reports, whether with or without modification, or to reject such reports; and
    • To recommend to the Council requirements for the admission of students to courses of study.

Key Functionalities

  • convening the meeting on approved dates
  • recording proceedings
  • preparation of minutes
  • conveying the decisions taken to the relevant authorities on time
  • Making necessary arrangements to complete follow-up actions.
  • Compiling, Page Numbering and Printing the Senate books and making arrangements to issue the books in time.
  • Printing and Binding of Senate books and Publishing in the Google Sites.

Members Details

Curriculum and Evaluation Committee

The Curriculum Planning and Development Committee is a Standing Committee of the Senate, constituted under Section 46 (6) (vii) of the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978, as amended subsequently. Members and Chairman are appointed by the Senate of the University.


The Curriculum Planning and Development Committee is established to guide the Faculties and Departments in regular updating of the Curricula of study programs and courses including modernization of teaching, training and learning, assessments and examinations and also in guiding students in  academic pursuits and enhancing the learning support services. In addition, the Committee is required to review the curricula of all study programs submitted and recommend amendments/revisions if required before recommending to the Senate of the University for approval. Further it is expected to work closely with Standing Committee on Quality Monitoring and Enhancement with IQAU and IQACs in internalizing quality dimensions (best practices and standards) of study programs.

Composition of the Committee

  • A senior academic staff member nominated by the Senate from among its members (Chair)
  • Two other senior academic staff members with expertise in academic planning and development, nominated by the Senate from among its members
  • Director CQA
  • One representative from each Faculty nominated by the Dean, preferably the Chair Person of the Curriculum Development Committee of the Faculty
  • Head, Academic Affairs Department (Secretary)

Nominated members are appointed for a period of two years and  could be suspended from committee activities if they miss three meetings or more during the year or in case of a resignation, termination or breaching of confidentiality. In such cases the Senate/the Dean of the respective Faculty shall nominate a replacement as the case may be.

Head of the Academic Affairs Department of the University shall convene all meetings of the Committee and shall function as the Secretary to the Committee.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Committee

  • Review existing curricula of all study programs and departmental course requirements periodically
  • Review and recommend any proposed changes to existing curricula
  • Study and make recommendations to Senate with regard to curricula of new courses
  • Ensure that all curricula, where applicable, are in line with Sri Lanka Qualifications Framework requirements or other accreditation boards
  • Prepare and revise role descriptions and activity expectations
  • Monitor the overall assessment process of courses and learning outcomes
  • Monitor and report back on overall university grades every semester

Meetings of the Committee

  • The Committee shall meet on a regular basis at least once in three months.
  • The Chairperson, appointed by the Senate, shall preside at all meetings of the Committee and in his absence due to temporary inability to attend the meeting, a pro-tem chairman may be elected from among the members to chair such meeting.
  • A majority of the total membership of the Committee shall constitute the quorum for meetings of the Committee.
  • The Secretary shall keep record of proceedings of the meetings in writing and such minutes shall be circulated to all members of the Committee within one week from the date of which the meeting was held.
  • Decisions taken and recommendations made at such meetings shall be placed before the next immediate meeting of the Senate for formal approval.
University Research Committee

The University Research Committee is established as a Senate Standing Committee in terms of Section 46 (6) (vii) of the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978, as amended subsequently, appointed by the Senate.


Main purpose of the Committee is to promote and foster research and scholarships among the academia of the University. It is also expected to deliberate and set the standards for research and scholarships, propose and explore ways and means of promoting research and innovation culture within the University.

Composition of the Committee

  • A senior academic nominated by the Senate from among its members (Chair)
  • Chairpersons of the Faculty Research Committees
  • Librarian or his nominee
  • Bursar or his nominee
  • Head of the Academic Affairs Department shall convene the meetings and functions as the Secretary to the Committee.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Committee

  • Develop policies, guidelines, best practices and standards for research and development work undertaken by the academics
  • Facilitate the execution of research grants and projects
  • Implement and monitor university research agenda
  • Organize/ facilitate university annual research conferences, seminars and workshops
  • Liaise with national research funding agencies such as NSF and NRC
  • Develop links with international agencies to secure support for collaborative research
  • Facilitate partnerships between other HEIs, state and non-state organizations and reputed foreign universities for applied problem oriented and commissioned research
  • Provide necessary support in the submission of applications for patents
  • Provide necessary guidance and advice to academic staff for carrying out research and disseminating research findings
  • Arrange and facilitate programs for capacity building in proposal writing, research methodology and statistical analysis in liaison with Staff Development Center and NSF/NRC/NCAS
  • Design and initiate appraisal and reward systems for excellence in research and development

Meetings of the Committee

  • Meetings of the Committee shall be held once in two months.
  • Quorum for the meetings shall be the majority of the total membership.
  • The Secretary shall keep the records of proceedings in writing and circulate them to the members within two weeks from the date of which the meeting was held.
  • Decisions and recommendations made at the committee meetings shall be placed before the Senate and the Council for approval.
University Publication Committee

University Publications Committee is a Senate sub-committee established in terms of Section 46 (6) (vii) of the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978, as amended subsequently, appointed by the Senate.


The objective of the University Publications Committee is to develop guidelines and prescribe best practices and standards for scientific publication of the university staff and students to promote the quality, standard and volume of publications of the University and facilitate and monitor research publication activities.

Composition of the Committee

• Vice Chancellor (Chair)
• Rector of the Campus or representative
• Dean of each Faculty or his nominee
• Librarian or his representative
• Chief Editor of University/Faculty Journals
• Bursar or his nominee
• Head of the Academic Affairs Department (Secretary/Convener)

Duties and Responsibilities of the Committee

• Design and prescribe best practices and standards for scientific publication of university staff and students
• Draft policies, By-laws and guidelines with regard to the subject matter when required
• Support publication of University/ Faculty level Journals
• Develop guidelines for selection and appointment of reviewers and for the review process and update regularly
• Review manuscripts of journal articles, monographs, books, manuals/handbooks, etc. submitted by university staff seeking funds for publishing
• Facilitate regular training programs to create awareness on intellectual property and copy rights in liaison with Staff Development Centre
• Guide the administration of the research repository and digital library with the support of the Library and Faculty representatives
• Promote establishment of a university printing unit for printing and publishing university publications approved by the Committee
• Review manuscripts prepared by university staff prior to publication, if they so wish

Meetings of the Committee

• Meetings of the Committee shall be held once in two months chaired by the Vice Chancellor.
• Quorum for the meetings shall be the majority of the total membership.
• The Secretary shall keep the records of proceedings in writing and circulate them to the members within two weeks from the date of which the meeting was held.
• Decisions and recommendations made at the committee meetings shall be placed before the Senate and the Council for approval.

Board of Trustee of the Kandiah Karthigaesan Trust Fund

Hidden content

Convocation Committee

The Convocation Committee is an ad-hoc committee constituted by the Senate in terms of Section 46 (6) (vii) of the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978, as amended subsequently.


The main purpose of the Convocation Committee is to make all necessary arrangements to hold the General Convocation of the University on a day/s determined by the University and to attend to all matters connected thereto.

Composition of the Committee

  • One Academic Representative from each Faculty nominated by the Senate
  • Registrar or his nominee
  • Bursar or his nominee
  • Head of Academic Affairs Department (Convener and Secretary)

The Chairperson shall be appointed by the Senate from among the Faculty Representatives.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Committee

  • Discuss and make all arrangements for holding the convocation
  • Recommend a date, venue, agenda, invitees and seating arrangements for the ceremony
  • Recommend a person for convocation address, if necessary
  • Categorize graduands for convocation sessions
  • Organize convocation procession
  • Make arrangements for media coverage and photography
  • Plan and organize refreshments/ tea/ lunch/ dinner for graduates and invitees
  • Design and print invitations and programs
  • Organize volunteers to assist the convocation ceremony
  • Annual post-convocation evaluation of activities

Duties and responsibilities of the Committee shall be in accordance with by-laws developed and approved by the University.

Meetings of the Committee

The Committee shall meet whenever necessary as determined by the Chair of the Committee. Majority of the membership constitute the quorum for the committee meetings.

Endowment/Scholarships/Gold Medal and Prizes Committee

The Scholarships and Awards Committee is an ad-hoc committee constituted by the Senate in terms of Section 46 (6) (vii) of the Universities Act No.16 of 1978, as amended subsequently.


The objective of setting up of this Committee is to design policy and develop guidelines for receipt and disbursement of endowments donated by individuals and donor organizations, review and recommend terms and conditions applicable to respective endowment related gold medals, prizes and scholarships and review on a regular basis the financial status and progress of  all endowment funds.

Composition of the Committee

  • Dean of the Faculty of Arts (Chair)
  • Deans of all Faculties or their representatives
  • Bursar
  • Head of Academic Affairs Department
  • Head of Student Affairs Department (Convener/ Secretary)

Duties and Responsibilities of the Committee

  • Develop policy guidelines for receipt and disbursement of endowments donated by individuals and donor organizations
  • Review and recommend the criteria and conditions under which the scholarships and prizes be awarded
  • Consider and recommend proposals for scholarships and prizes which may be funded by internal and external sources
  • Review on a regular basis the financial status and progress of fund disbursement earmarked for scholarships and prizes
  • Writing award Certificates to issue the students at the Faculty Board meeting and making arrangements to pay the cash prizes to the students.

Meetings of the Committee

  • The Committee shall meet on four occasions during an academic year or whenever necessary as it may decide.
  • A majority of the total membership shall constitute the quorum for the meetings of the Committee.
  • Secretary shall keep the records of the proceedings of the committee meetings
  • Decisions taken/ recommendations made at those meetings shall be placed before the Senate/Council for approval.
Senate Standing Committee on Quality Assurance

This Unit functions to enhance the quality education in all the study programs of the University. It was established in the year 2015 under the instruction of University Grants Commission and accelerate its activities under the direction of the Vice-Chancellor.

See more > 

Honorary Degree Committee

Honorary Degree Committee of the University is an ad-hoc Committee of the Senate constituted in terms of Section 46 (6) (vii) of the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978, as amended subsequently and the UGC Circular No. 908 of 11.03.2009.


The primary objective of the Honorary Degrees Committee is to recommend to the Senate, selected individuals who have an exceptional record of distinctions and achievements for conferring degrees honoriscausaat the general convocation each year. Honorees may include world renowned scholars and artists, celebrated and visionary public figures, prominent professional and community leaders, and philanthropists.

Composition of the Committee

  • Vice Chancellor (Chair)
  • Two Members nominated from among its UGC appointed members by the Council
  • One Senate nominee from each Faculty, preferably a Professor
  • Head of the Academic Affairs Department (Convener/Secretary)

Duties and Responsibilities of the Committee

  • Accept nominations on behalf of the Senate for award of Honorary Degrees from relevant Faculties or from the Senate
  • Make recommendations to the Senate with regard to individuals for honorary awards
  • Advise the Senate on the range and titles of honorary awards
  • Review the criteria for honorary awards once in every five years
  • Prepare and review the guidelines on the procedure to be adopted for nominating individuals for honorary awards as prescribed in by-laws
  • Undertake such other related matters as senate may determine from time to time

Meetings of the Committee

The Committee shall meet whenever necessary at least three months before the convocation and the Chair shall preside at such meetings. At least three members of the Committee should be present at the meeting to have a quorum.

Staff of the Branch

Name of the Staff Designation Contact Email
Mr. S.K.Pirapakaran Assistant Registrar
Mrs. R. Suthakaran Management Assistant
Mrs. K. Umakaran Management Assistant
Mrs. R. Keerthigan Management Assistant
Mrs. L. Magendran Works Aide
Mr. G. Nirokesan Works Aide


Contact Details

Academic Affairs and Publication
University of Jaffna
+94 021 221 8124 +94 021 222 6500