Post of Vice Chancellor, University of Jaffna


The Council of the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, acting in terms of Section 34 of the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978 and subsequent amendments, invites applications/ nominations for the post of the Vice Chancellor, University of Jaffna. The applicants/ nominees should be citizens of Sri Lanka and should be less than 63 years of age. The successful applicant/nominee will hold office for a period of three years from the date of appointment or until he/she completes the 65th years, whichever occurs earlier.

The vision of the University of Jaffna is to be a leading centre of excellence in teaching, learning, research and scholarship. Its priorities are serving the country to improve the quality of Higher Education and promote research relevant for the development of the country in general and the Northern Region in particular. The University has seven faculties in Jaffna, three in Kilinochchi and a Campus at Vavuniya with another three faculties (altogether 13 faculties), providing professional and accredited degree programmes to a population of approximately eleven thousand undergraduate and six hundred postgraduate students. The Vice Chancellor is expected to strengthen and support these activities.

The Vice Chancellor shall be a person with a vision to carry forward the vision and goals of the University through his/her intellectual as well as managerial brilliance. In addition, the Vice Chancellor is called upon to identify needs of the nation in terms of national policies of higher education. Vice Chancellor should be able to strengthen the time tested values for the advancement of the University through academic activities including research & development. The applicant/ nominee is therefore expected to be a person of high academic calibre and integrity with a record of outstanding achievements including a strong research profile, proven leadership qualities and interpersonal skills to interact objectively with diverse interest groups, a clear understanding of policy issues and a commitment to the effective implementation of decisions with excellent communication skills along with an ability to stimulate diverse interests of the students and staff alike.

The Vice Chancellor is a full time officer of the University and is the Principal Executive as well as the Principal Academic Officer. The Vice Chancellor is also the Accounting Officer of the University. He/ She is an ex-officio member and the Chairman of both the Council and the Senate. He/ She is responsible for the maintenance of discipline within the University. It is the duty of the Vice Chancellor to ensure that the provisions of the Universities Act and of any appropriate instrument are duly observed, and shall exercise all such powers as he/she may deem necessary for the purpose.

The Vice Chancellor will be responsible for providing academic leadership, and is responsible for formulating, introducing and conducting streamlined management policies and implementing the decisions of the Council, the general administration of the University and should therefore, uphold the principles of academic excellence and good governance. The Vice Chancellor shall be responsible to maintain transparency, accountability, democratic management and effective nonpartisan leadership.

The person who aspires to be the Vice Chancellor of the University of Jaffna should be able to effectively deal with volatile, demanding and stressful situations with tact and competence. He/ She should also be able to work long hours depending on the task at hand.

The Vice Chancellor is eligible to be on the highest academic salary scale in the University system and is entitled to an entertainment allowance of 15% of the salary.

The following documents should accompany applications/ nominations:

  • A complete Curriculum vitae of the applicant/ nominee including date of birth.
  • A statement of vision for the development of the University and a brief account of what the candidate/ nominee proposes to achieve if appointed.
  • Where the incumbent Vice-Chancellor is an applicant or applicant had held the Post of Vice Chancellor of the University before, he/she should give a report highlighting accomplishments during his/her prior period of office in addition to the documents mentioned in Paragraph (ii) above.
  • A letter of consent from the nominee, in case of nominations.
  • A letter from the employer indicating whether the applicant/ nominee could be released in the event of his/her appointment to the post in case of an applicant/ nominee serving in Public Sector, Corporations, Statutory Bodies and Higher Educational Institutions other than the University of Jaffna.

Applications/ nominations should be in a sealed cover/ envelope addressed to the Secretary to the Council, Office of the Registrar, University of Jaffna, Thirunelvely, Jaffna and either hand delivered or sent under registered cover to reach the above office before 3.00 p.m on 09.06.2020. The envelope containing the application/ nomination must be marked ‘Post of Vice Chancellor’ on its top left hand corner.

The Evaluation Committee meeting will be convened within two months after closing date of applications/ nominations for an interview which will be conducted as per criteria for evaluation prescribed in the UGC Circular No. 2/2020. Candidates will be summoned to a meeting of the Evaluation Committee appointed for the purpose.

Details can be obtained by visiting UGC website link Click to View

In an exceptional situation if any candidate is not in a position to appear before the evaluation committee he/ she may be allowed to appear for an interview via video conference.

A Special Council Meeting will be convened for the purpose of recommending three names of candidates to the University Grants Commission on the same day of holding Evaluation Committee Meeting.

Candidates shortlisted by the Evaluation Committee and approved by the Council will be summoned before the Special Council Meeting for a brief presentation of a minimum of ten (10) minutes duration but not exceeding fifteen (15) minutes. However, no candidate will be allowed to participate for a presentation and evaluation of other candidates even though such candidates is a member of the Council. In an exceptional situation, if any candidate is not in a position to appear before the Special Council Meeting, he/ she may be allowed to make the presentation via video conferencing.

The report of the Special Council Meeting recommending three names of the candidates will be prepared and forwarded to the University Grants Commission along with all the documents as stipulated in the UGC Circular no.02/2020 for further action.

Please be informed that as per the UGC Circular no.02/2020 our earlier advertisement dated 08.08.2019 calling application/ nomination and step taken thereafter on the matter have been nullified and process on the appointment of Post of Vice Chancellor begins afresh based on the above UGC Circular.


  • Post of Vice Chancellor [Tamil ]
  • Post of Vice Chancellor [Sinhala ]
  • Post of Vice Chancellor [English ]

Applications/ nominations received after the closing date will not be considered.

Visvanathan Kandeepan
Secretary to the Council
Office of the Registrar
University of Jaffna