
Thirty first general convocation of the University of Jaffna

The thirty first general convocation of the University of Jaffna was ceremoniously held on 19th andconvocation 20th January 2016.  In this convocation 1256 undergraduate degrees and 325 postgraduate degrees were conferred in eight sessions. Each session was chaired by the Vice Chancellor, Senior Professor Vasanthy Arasartanam and the degrees and diplomas were conferred by the Chancellor Professor Sivasubramaniam Pathmanathan. The graduands were conferred with their degrees in the presence of Rector of the Vavuniya Campus, Deans of the Faculties, Professors, Heads of Departments, Lecturers and parents. A large number of students, parents and well-wishers gathered at the University grounds to see this ceremony and to greet the gradates.


As per the tradition graduands were ceremoniously led in procession to the Kailasapthy auditorium where the convocation was held. They were followed by the lectures and heads of departments and Professors, Rector and Deans of the Faculties.  After them Chancellor was led in procession to the convocation venue accompanied by the Vice Chancellor. To honor the Chancellor, the procession was led with the traditional Thavil and Nagaswaram players and flag bearers.

Click here to see the session details.

Click here to see the list of Gold medals, Prizes and Scholarships awarded at the convocation.   Click here to download the list.

Click here to see the Image gallery of this event.

Click here to see the Video Gallery of this event.

Click here to see the website of this event.
