Provision of Cleaning, Janitorial and Maintenance Services for the University of Jaffna – 2023 / 2024                            


University of Jaffna

 Provision of Cleaning, Janitorial and Maintenance Services for the University of Jaffna – 2023 / 2024                            

  • The Chairman, Procurement Committee, University of Jaffna will receive sealed Bids for the following contracts up to 10.00 am on 24th July, 2023 from the eligible Firms.

Contract No




Past Experience

Bid Security Rs.


One similar contract Rs. in Mn
Annual average volume Rs. in Mn

Trained staff available


UJA/CWP/CS/2023/2024/01 Provision of Cleaning, Janitorial and Maintenance Services for University of Jaffna – 2023/2024 (Jaffna) 10.0 25.0 75 410,000.00
UJA/CWP/CS/2023/2024/02 Provision of Cleaning, Janitorial and Maintenance Services for University of Jaffna – 2023/2024 (Kilinochchi) 5.0 11.5 25 250,000.00
  • Period of contract should be 365 days subject to a performance evaluation period of 60 days.
  • Firms which satisfy the following conditions are eligible to submit Bids. Documentary evidences should be provided with Bids.
    • Must be registered in Sri Lanka under the Company’s Acts or Business Name Registration Ordinance.
    • Must have satisfactorily carried out at least one cleaning service contract to a Government Department/ Corporation/ University during the last 3 years where the annual contract sum is not less than the value indicated in column 3 above against each contract.
    • Average of annual volume of cleaning service contracts performed in the last 3 years should be at least the value indicated in column 4 above against each contract.
    • Availability of trained and experienced Sri Lankan staff during the last 3 years should be at least the value indicated in column 5 above against each contract.
  • Interested bidders may obtain further information from Deputy Registrar, Capital Works & Planning Branch, University of Jaffna, and inspect the bidding documents at the same address on any working day during working hours.
    Contact numbers are: Phone. Tel: 021 221 9201        Fax: 021 221 9201
  • A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to Deputy Registrar, Capital Works & Planning Branch, University of Jaffna, until 21st July, 2023 from 9:00 hrs to 15:00 hrs upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Rupees three thousand five hundred (Rs.3,500/-) for each bid to be deposited to the People’s Bank, University of Jaffna with the Reference No “970000060000276” should be filled in the Account Number column in the Deposit Slip. All bids shall be accompanied by a bid security for the amount as indicated in column 6 for each contract in Bank Guarantee valid for 120 days (should be as 21.11.2023) from scheduled bid opening date obtained from a recognized commercial bank operating in Sri Lanka in favour of the Vice Chancellor, University of Jaffna should be accompanied with each bid.
  •  Bidders are strongly advised to attend the pre-bid meeting on 17th July, 2023 at 10.00 hrs in the board room of the University of Jaffna for contracts No UJA/CWP/CS/2023/2024/01 and pre-bid meeting on 18th July, 2023 at 10.00 hrs in the Maintenance Branch, Ariviyalnagar, Kilinochchi for contract No UJA/CWP/CS/2023/2024/02 and visit each location before pricing.
  • Bids shall be delivered or sent by registered post to the Deputy Registrar, Capital Works & Planning Branch, University of Jaffna, Thirunelvely, Jaffna P.O Box 57 or be deposited in the tender box kept in the Capital Works & Planning Branch, to reach before 10.00 hrs, 24th of July 2023. Bids will be opened soon after closing the bids in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.
  • Bids shall be Valid for a period of 91 Days from the date fixed for closing of Bids or any extended period.

Procurement Committee,
University of Jaffna, Thirunelvely, Jaffna.